Central Queensland Family History
Remembrance Day 11 Nov 2024
Chris Wright represented CQFHA as guest speaker for Gracemere RSL
She laid a wreath on our behalf and chose to honour 2 soldiers from our 'The Great War' book and chose:
B2455 Private William Inglis (an alias for Micheal Joseph English) who died of wounds 5 Sep 1916, and
1882 Private Edward Henry Baird, killed in action 12 Oct 1917.
Battle Charge
The burst of shrapnel
The shriek of shell
With his trust in God
Through the gates of hell
There he fell
With just a sigh,
And his soul went back to God on high
God only who knows
How great is sacrifice.
V.S. Anderson*
* Chris' grandfather, a Gallipoli veteran
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