Central Queensland Family History

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Annual General Meeting 

It is time for the Associations' AGM and we are seeking members to take on crucial roles. Volunteering isn't just about filling positions; it about building connections, sharing knowledge and leaving a lasting positive impact. 

When: Saturday 7 September 2024

Where:  16 Highway Street, Park Avenue

Time:  10:00am 

If you are ready to make a difference please contact us for further information. 

The association looks forward to seeing you all there. 

What's On

Open Day is fast approaching

Save the date for our Open Day at the CQ Family History Rooms for a chance to see exactly what resources are available and how to research your ancestors’ lives.    


You will be surprised by the resources available from Australia and the World.


There are journals from various genealogical societies from overseas and interstate.  This is an opportunity to discover our extensive Members Interests and Master Index to see if you have any common ancestors with other researchers.


You will be impressed at how much local history there is available from cemetery records, births, deaths and marriages, census records and scrapbooks. 

Is your family in the Master Name Index below?


Enter a SURNAME into the search box, (not case sensitive). Press Enter.

If you get lots of results, use the "search" in your browser to search the page (usually by Ctrl+F).

To order a copy of one of these articles, please send an email with details to:  research@cqfamilyhistory.org.au

 A confirmation and invoice will be sent as soon as is possible. 

Payments may be made by Direct Bank Transfer.

The cost is $5 per item - provide the full line reference, ie ID, Surname, Given Name, Source

Use the Scrollbar on the right to scroll down to see your results.

The Master Name Index of all our publications and scrapbooks, (including interesting articles from (mostly) Central Queensland newspapers, but also from many other sources).

Attribution: Alpha Stock Images - http://alphastockimages.com/

Becoming a member offers a host of benefits.  By joining today you will gain  access to a large and comprehensive selection of databases, indexes and other resources.  

Our friendly volunteer staff can offer helpful advice and assistance with your research.